Articles | Volume 26, issue 11
Research article
15 Jun 2022
Research article |  | 15 Jun 2022

Evaluating the impact of post-processing medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts from the European Flood Awareness System

Gwyneth Matthews, Christopher Barnard, Hannah Cloke, Sarah L. Dance, Toni Jurlina, Cinzia Mazzetti, and Christel Prudhomme

Data sets

Reforecasts of river discharge and related data by the European Flood Awareness System version 4.0 C. Barnard, B. Krzeminski, C. Mazzetti, D. Decremer, C. Carton de Wiart, S. Harrigan, M. Blick, I. Ferrario, F. Wetterhall, V. Thiemig, P. Salamon, and C. Prudhomme

River discharge and related historical data from the European Flood Awareness System v4.0 C. Mazzetti, D. Decremer, C. Barnard, M. Blick, C. Carton de Wiart, F. Wetterhall, C. Schweim, M. Ziese, R. Garcia, M. Garcia Padilla, G. Gomes, V. Thiemig, P. Salamon, and C. Prudhomme

Model code and software

Post-processed reforecasts of the European Flood Awareness System and related evaluation data Gwyneth Matthews and Christopher Barnard

Short summary
The European Flood Awareness System creates flood forecasts for up to 15 d in the future for the whole of Europe which are made available to local authorities. These forecasts can be erroneous because the weather forecasts include errors or because the hydrological model used does not represent the flow in the rivers correctly. We found that, by using recent observations and a model trained with past observations and forecasts, the real-time forecast can be corrected, thus becoming more useful.