Research article
15 Jun 2022
Research article |
15 Jun 2022
Evaluating the impact of post-processing medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts from the European Flood Awareness System
Gwyneth Matthews, Christopher Barnard, Hannah Cloke, Sarah L. Dance, Toni Jurlina, Cinzia Mazzetti, and Christel Prudhomme
Data sets
Reforecasts of river discharge and related data by the European Flood Awareness System version 4.0
C. Barnard, B. Krzeminski, C. Mazzetti, D. Decremer, C. Carton de Wiart, S. Harrigan, M. Blick, I. Ferrario, F. Wetterhall, V. Thiemig, P. Salamon, and C. Prudhomme
River discharge and related historical data from the European Flood Awareness System v4.0
C. Mazzetti, D. Decremer, C. Barnard, M. Blick, C. Carton de Wiart, F. Wetterhall, C. Schweim, M. Ziese, R. Garcia, M. Garcia Padilla, G. Gomes, V. Thiemig, P. Salamon, and C. Prudhomme
Model code and software
Post-processed reforecasts of the European Flood Awareness System and related evaluation data
Gwyneth Matthews and Christopher Barnard