Articles | Volume 25, issue 3
Research article
25 Mar 2021
Research article |  | 25 Mar 2021

Quantification of ecohydrological sensitivities and their influencing factors at the seasonal scale

Yiping Hou, Mingfang Zhang, Xiaohua Wei, Shirong Liu, Qiang Li, Tijiu Cai, Wenfei Liu, Runqi Zhao, and Xiangzhuo Liu


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Short summary
Ecohydrological sensitivity, defined as the response intensity of streamflow to vegetation change, indicates the hydrological sensitivity to vegetation change. The study revealed seasonal ecohydrological sensitivities were highly variable, depending on climate condition and watershed attributes. Dry season ecohydrological sensitivity was mostly determined by topography, soil and vegetation, while wet season ecohydrological sensitivity was mainly controlled by soil, landscape and vegetation.