Articles | Volume 24, issue 12
Research article
21 Dec 2020
Research article |  | 21 Dec 2020

Anatomy of the 2018 agricultural drought in the Netherlands using in situ soil moisture and satellite vegetation indices

Joost Buitink, Anne M. Swank, Martine van der Ploeg, Naomi E. Smith, Harm-Jan F. Benninga, Frank van der Bolt, Coleen D. U. Carranza, Gerbrand Koren, Rogier van der Velde, and Adriaan J. Teuling

Data sets

Evolution of NIRv, VOD and soil moisture content during the summers of 2016-2018 in Raam and Twenthe, the Netherlands (Version 2) J. Buitink, J., A. M. Swank, M. van der Ploeg, N. E. Smith, H.-J. F. Benninga, F. van der Bolt, C. D. U. Carranza, G. Koren, R. van der Velde, and A. J. Teuling

MCD43A4 MODIS/Terra+ Aqua BRDF/Albedo Nadir BRDF Adjusted RefDaily L3 Global-500 m V006 C. Schaaf and Z. Wang

Short summary
The amount of water stored in the soil is critical for the productivity of plants. Plant productivity is either limited by the available water or by the available energy. In this study, we infer this transition point by comparing local observations of water stored in the soil with satellite observations of vegetation productivity. We show that the transition point is not constant with soil depth, indicating that plants use water from deeper layers when the soil gets drier.