Articles | Volume 24, issue 3
Research article
27 Mar 2020
Research article |  | 27 Mar 2020

Global partitioning of runoff generation mechanisms using remote sensing data

Joseph T. D. Lucey, John T. Reager, and Sonya R. Lopez

Data sets

The version-2 global precipitation climatology project (GPCP) monthly precipitation analysis (1979-present) ( R. F. Adler, G. J. Huffman, A. Chang, R. Ferraro, P. P. Xie, J. Janowiak, B. Rudolf, U. Schneider, S. Curtis, D. Bolvin, A. Gruber, J. Susskind, P. Arkin, and E. Nelkin<1147:tvgpcp>;2

Development and Evaluation of a Multi-year Inundated Land Surface Data Set Derived from Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data: Assembly of a Global-scale Inundated Wetlands Earth System Data Record R. Schroeder, K. C. McDonald, M. Azarderakhsh, T. J. Bohn, B. Chapman, K. Jensen, J. S. Kimball, E. Podest, N. Steiner, Z. Tessler, R. Zimmermann, and M. Kppers

JPL GRACE and GRACE-FO Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height JPL Release 06 Version 02 D. N. Wiese, D.-N. Yuan, C. Boening, F. W. Landerer, M. M. Watkins*3*:GRACE&search=%22GRACE-FO%2 2

Short summary
This work relates total water storage (TWS) and rainfall to surface water inundation (SWI) using NASA satellite data. We determine whether TWS and/or rainfall control global SWI developments. Regression methods and cross-correlations were used to relate the measurements and correct for time differences among peaks. Results show TWS and rainfall control most global SWI developments. To our knowledge, this is the first global study on SWI controls and validates previous findings.