Articles | Volume 22, issue 10
Research article
04 Oct 2018
Research article |  | 04 Oct 2018

An improved method for calculating the regional crop water footprint based on a hydrological process analysis

Xiao-Bo Luan, Ya-Li Yin, Pu-Te Wu, Shi-Kun Sun, Yu-Bao Wang, Xue-Rui Gao, and Jing Liu


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Short summary
At present, the water footprint calculated by the quantitative method of crop production water footprint is only a field-scale water footprint, which does not contain all the water consumption of the crop growth process, so its calculated crop production water footprint is incomplete. In this study, the hydrological model SWAT was used to analyze the real water consumption in the course of crop growth, so that the actual water consumption of the crops could be more accurately reflected.