Articles | Volume 22, issue 9
Research article
06 Sep 2018
Research article |  | 06 Sep 2018

The potential of global reanalysis datasets in identifying flood events in Southern Africa

Gaby J. Gründemann, Micha Werner, and Ted I. E. Veldkamp

Data sets

earth2observe/water-resource-reanalysis-v1: Revised Release J. Schellekens et al.

Short summary
Flooding in vulnerable and data-sparse regions such as the Limpopo basin in Southern Africa is a key concern. Data available to local flood managers are often limited, inconsistent or asymmetrically distributed. We demonstrate that freely available global datasets are well suited to provide essential information. Despite the poor performance of simulated discharges, these datasets hold potential in identifying damaging flood events, particularly for higher-resolution datasets and larger basins.