Articles | Volume 22, issue 8
Research article
16 Aug 2018
Research article |  | 16 Aug 2018

Evaluation of Doppler radar and GTS data assimilation for NWP rainfall prediction of an extreme summer storm in northern China: from the hydrological perspective

Jia Liu, Jiyang Tian, Denghua Yan, Chuanzhe Li, Fuliang Yu, and Feifei Shen


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Short summary
Both radar reflectivity and GTS data are good choices for assimilation in improving high-resolution rainfall of the NWP systems, which always fails in providing satisfactory rainfall products for hydrological use. Simultaneously assimilating GTS and radar data always performs better than assimilating radar data alone. The assimilation efficiency of the GTS data is higher than both radar reflectivity and radial velocity considering the number of data assimilated and its effect.