Articles | Volume 22, issue 5
Research article
30 May 2018
Research article |  | 30 May 2018

Precipitation alters plastic film mulching impacts on soil respiration in an arid area of northwest China

Guanghui Ming, Hongchang Hu, Fuqiang Tian, Zhenyang Peng, Pengju Yang, and Yiqi Luo


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Short summary
The purpose of this research was to detect the effect of plastic film mulching (PFM), a widely applied cultivation method, on soil respiration. We found that soil respiration was not only affected by PFM, but it was also affected by irrigation and precipitation, and whether the PFM increases soil respiration compared to a non-mulched field largely depends on precipitation in the field. The result has an important meaning for agricultural carbon sequestration in the context of global warming.