Articles | Volume 22, issue 5
Research article
22 May 2018
Research article |  | 22 May 2018

Framework for developing hybrid process-driven, artificial neural network and regression models for salinity prediction in river systems

Jason M. Hunter, Holger R. Maier, Matthew S. Gibbs, Eloise R. Foale, Naomi A. Grosvenor, Nathan P. Harders, and Tahali C. Kikuchi-Miller


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Short summary
This research proposes a generalised hybrid model development framework and applies it to a case study of salinity prediction in a reach of the Murray River. The hybrid model combines five sub-models which describe one process of salt entry each and are developed based on the amount of system knowledge and data that are available to support each individual process. The model demonstrates increased performance over two benchmark models and has implications for future model development processes.