Articles | Volume 21, issue 11
Research article
15 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 15 Nov 2017

Hydrogeological effects of dredging navigable canals through lagoon shallows. A case study in Venice

Pietro Teatini, Giovanni Isotton, Stefano Nardean, Massimiliano Ferronato, Annamaria Mazzia, Cristina Da Lio, Luca Zaggia, Debora Bellafiore, Massimo Zecchin, Luca Baradello, Francisco Cellone, Fabiana Corami, Andrea Gambaro, Giovanni Libralato, Elisa Morabito, Annamaria Volpi Ghirardini, Riccardo Broglia, Stefano Zaghi, and Luigi Tosi


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Latest update: 07 Feb 2025
Short summary
We investigate the effects of digging a navigable canal on the hydrogeological system underlying a coastal lagoon. The research has been promoted by the Venice Water Authority, which is investigating different possibilities to avoid the passage of large cruise ships through the historic center of Venice, Italy. Numerical simulations supported by a proper hydrogeological characterization show that the exchange of water and contaminants from the subsurface and surface systems will be significant.