Articles | Volume 19, issue 6
Research article
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15 Jun 2015
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 15 Jun 2015

Large-basin hydrological response to climate model outputs: uncertainty caused by internal atmospheric variability

A. Gelfan, V. A. Semenov, E. Gusev, Y. Motovilov, O. Nasonova, I. Krylenko, and E. Kovalev


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Short summary
Our paper is one of very few studies where the influence of stochastic internal atmospheric variability (IAV) on the hydrological response is analyzed. On the basis of ensemble experiments with GCM and hydrological models, we found, e.g., that averaging over ensemble members filters the stochastic term related to IAV, and that a considerable portion of the simulated trend in annual Lena R. runoff can be explained by the externally forced signal (global SST and SIC changes in our experiments).