Articles | Volume 18, issue 12
Research article
10 Dec 2014
Research article |  | 10 Dec 2014

Building a field- and model-based climatology of local water and energy cycles in the cultivated Sahel – annual budgets and seasonality

C. Velluet, J. Demarty, B. Cappelaere, I. Braud, H. B.-A. Issoufou, N. Boulain, D. Ramier, I. Mainassara, G. Charvet, M. Boucher, J.-P. Chazarin, M. Oï, H. Yahou, B. Maidaji, F. Arpin-Pont, N. Benarrosh, A. Mahamane, Y. Nazoumou, G. Favreau, and J. Seghieri


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Short summary
Long-term average water and energy cycles are described for two main land cover types in the cultivated Sahel (millet crop and fallow bush). Mean seasonal cycles and annual budgets for all component variables were estimated from detailed field and model analysis. Evapotranspiration totals over 80% of rainfall for both covers, but with different time distribution and soil/plant contributions. The remainder is shared between runoff and deep drainage for the crop, but is only runoff for the fallow.