Articles | Volume 18, issue 6
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The suitability of remotely sensed soil moisture for improving operational flood forecasting
N. Wanders
Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
D. Karssenberg
Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
A. de Roo
Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
European Commission, Join Research Centre, Ispra, Italy
S. M. de Jong
Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
M. F. P. Bierkens
Department of Physical Geography, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Deltares, Utrecht, the Netherlands
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200 citations as recorded by crossref.
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- Evaluating the utility of remotely sensed soil moisture for the characterization of runoff response over Canadian watersheds E. Wadsworth et al. 10.1080/07011784.2019.1691943
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