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SWRC fit – a nonlinear fitting program with a water retention curve for soils having unimodal and bimodal pore structure
Abstract. The soil hydraulic parameters for analyzing soil water movement can be determined by fitting a soil water retention curve to a certain function, i.e., a soil hydraulic model. For this purpose, the program "SWRC Fit," which performs nonlinear fitting of soil water retention curves to 5 models by Levenberg-Marquardt method, was developed. The five models are the Brooks and Corey model, the van Genuchten model, Kosugi's log-normal pore-size distribution model, Durner's bimodal pore-size distribution model, and a bimodal log-normal pore-size distribution model propose in this study. This program automatically determines all the necessary conditions for the nonlinear fitting, such as the initial estimate of the parameters, and, therefore, users can simply input the soil water retention data to obtain the necessary parameters. The program can be executed directly from a web page at; a client version of the software written in numeric calculation language GNU Octave is included in the electronic supplement of this paper. The program was used for determining the soil hydraulic parameters of 420 soils in UNSODA database. After comparing the root mean square error of the unimodal models, the van Genuchten and Kosugi's models were better than the Brooks and Corey model. The bimodal log-normal pore-size distribution model had similar fitting performance to Durner's bimodal pore-size distribution model.
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RC S50: 'Anonymous Referee Comment', Anonymous Referee #1, 28 Feb 2007
RC S131: 'Anonymous Referee Comment', Anonymous Referee #3, 05 Apr 2007
RC S157: 'Referee comment #2', Anonymous Referee #2, 15 Apr 2007
AC S333: 'Replies to reviewers comments', Katsutoshi Seki, 04 Jun 2007

RC S50: 'Anonymous Referee Comment', Anonymous Referee #1, 28 Feb 2007
RC S131: 'Anonymous Referee Comment', Anonymous Referee #3, 05 Apr 2007
RC S157: 'Referee comment #2', Anonymous Referee #2, 15 Apr 2007
AC S333: 'Replies to reviewers comments', Katsutoshi Seki, 04 Jun 2007
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