06 Jun 2006
 | 06 Jun 2006
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS. A revision for further review has not been submitted.

Detection of contaminant plumes released from landfills

N. B. Yenigül, A.T. Hendsbergen, A. M. M. Elfeki, and F. M. Dekking

Abstract. Contaminant leaks released from landfills are a significant threat to groundwater quality. The groundwater detection monitoring systems installed in the vicinity of such facilities are vital. In this study the detection probability of a contaminant plume released from a landfill has been investigated by means of both a simulation and an analytical model for both homogeneous and heterogeneous aquifer conditions. The results of the two models are compared for homogeneous aquifer conditions to illustrate the errors that might be encountered with the simulation model. For heterogeneous aquifer conditions contaminant transport is modelled by an analytical model using effective (macro) dispersivities.

The results of the analysis show that the simulation model gives the concentration values correctly over most of the plume length for homogeneous aquifer conditions, and that the detection probability of a contaminant plume at given monitoring well locations match quite well. For heterogeneous aquifer conditions the approximating analytical model based on effective (macro) dispersivities yields the average concentration distribution satisfactorily. However, it is insufficient in monitoring system design since the discrepancy between the detection probabilities of contaminant plumes at given monitoring well locations computed by the two models is significant, particularly with high dispersivity and heterogeneity.

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N. B. Yenigül, A.T. Hendsbergen, A. M. M. Elfeki, and F. M. Dekking
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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N. B. Yenigül, A.T. Hendsbergen, A. M. M. Elfeki, and F. M. Dekking
N. B. Yenigül, A.T. Hendsbergen, A. M. M. Elfeki, and F. M. Dekking


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