21 Jan 2025
 | 21 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal HESS.

Advancing flow duration curve prediction in ungauged basins using machine learning and deep learning

Sooyeon Yi, Jeongin Yoon, Chulhee Lee, Seonmi Lee, Jungwon Ji, Eunkyung Lee, and Jaeeung Yi

Abstract. The flow duration curve (FDC) represents the distribution of streamflow, providing vital information for managing river systems. Constructing FDC is especially challenging in ungauged basins where streamflow data are lacking. This study addresses key gaps by utilizing machine learning and deep learning models to predict FDC in ungauged basins. The objectives include: (a) identifying influential hydrologic, meteorological, and topographic factors, (b) evaluating various combinations of predictor variables, (c) assessing the effects of different precipitation metrics on flow predictions, and (d) comparing ML and DL model performance. We developed and evaluated random forest (RF), deep neural network (DNN), support vector regression (SVR), and elastic net regression (ENR) models using historical data from 140 streamflow stations. Feature importance analysis revealed that watershed area and precipitation were the key factors for high discharge percentiles, whereas land use and basin characteristics gained greater importance for medium and low flows. Scenario analysis showed that combining all variables yielded the highest accuracy in predicting FDC. Different precipitation metrics had minimal impact on streamflow predictions, indicating that other factors played a more significant role. The DNN outperformed RF, SVR, and ENR in predicting low (Q95), medium (Q50), and high flows (Q5), achieving an average coefficient of determination that was 8.03 % higher, a root mean square error that was 227.4 % lower on average, and a standard deviation that was 46.4 % lower. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of advanced ML and DL approaches for predicting FDC in ungauged basins, offering a foundation for advancing hydrological prediction.

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Sooyeon Yi, Jeongin Yoon, Chulhee Lee, Seonmi Lee, Jungwon Ji, Eunkyung Lee, and Jaeeung Yi

Status: open (until 13 Mar 2025)

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Sooyeon Yi, Jeongin Yoon, Chulhee Lee, Seonmi Lee, Jungwon Ji, Eunkyung Lee, and Jaeeung Yi
Sooyeon Yi, Jeongin Yoon, Chulhee Lee, Seonmi Lee, Jungwon Ji, Eunkyung Lee, and Jaeeung Yi


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Short summary
Our study explores how advanced machine learning and deep learning models can predict river flow patterns in areas lacking direct measurements. We combined several data types like rainfall, land use, and topography to improve accuracy. The results show that our methods can effectively estimate river flow, which is crucial for water management and preparing for floods and droughts, especially in regions with limited data. This work could lead to better decision-making in managing water resources.