04 Jun 2019
 | 04 Jun 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS. A final paper is not foreseen.

Identification of Hotspots of Rainfall Variation Sensitive to Indian Ocean Dipole Mode through Intentional Statistical Simulations

Jong-Suk Kim, Phetlamphanh Xaiyaseng, Lihua Xiong, Sun-Kwon Yoon, and Taesam Lee

Abstract. This study analyzed the sensitivity of rainfall patterns over the Indochina Peninsula (ICP) to sea surface temperature in the Indian Ocean based on statistical simulations of observational data. Quantitative changes in rainfall patterns over the ICP were examined for both wet and dry seasons to identify hotspots sensitive to ocean warming in the Indo-Pacific sector. Rainfall variability across the ICP was confirmed amplified by combined and/or independent effects of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). During the years of El Niño and a positive phase of the IOD, rainfall is less than usual in Thailand, Cambodia, southern Laos, and Vietnam. Conversely, during the years of La Niña and a negative phase of the IOD, rainfall throughout the ICP is above normal, except in parts of central Laos and northern Vietnam. This study also simulated the change of ICP rainfall in the wet and dry seasons according to intentional IOD changes, and IOD-sensitive hotspots were verified through quantitative analysis. The results of this study provide clear understanding both of the sensitivity of regional precipitation to the IOD and of the potential future impact of statistical changes regarding the IOD in terms of understanding regional impacts associated with precipitation in a changing climate.

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Jong-Suk Kim, Phetlamphanh Xaiyaseng, Lihua Xiong, Sun-Kwon Yoon, and Taesam Lee

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Jong-Suk Kim, Phetlamphanh Xaiyaseng, Lihua Xiong, Sun-Kwon Yoon, and Taesam Lee
Jong-Suk Kim, Phetlamphanh Xaiyaseng, Lihua Xiong, Sun-Kwon Yoon, and Taesam Lee


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Short summary
The current study illustrates rainfall patterns over the Indochina Peninsula (ICP) to sea surface temperature in the Indian Ocean. During El Niño years and a positive IOD, rainfall is less than usual in Thailand, Cambodia, southern Laos, and Vietnam. Conversely, during La Niña years and the negative IOD, rainfall throughout the ICP is above normal. It shows that (1) the sensitivity of regional precipitation to the IOD and (2) the potential future impact of statistical changes.