23 May 2018
 | 23 May 2018
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

A novel model for simulation of nitrate in aquifers

Roohollah Noori, Mehrnaz Dodangeh, Ronny Berndtsson, Farhad Hooshyaripor, Jan Franklin Adamowski, Saman Javadi, and Akbar Baghvand

Abstract. Please Numerical groundwater quality models (GQMs) often run at high computational cost resulting in long simulation times and complex parameter calibration that limit their practical applications. In this study, a novel reduced-order model (ROM) was developed for nitrate simulation in groundwater including a simple structure and with similar accuracy as more extensive GQMs. The proposed methodology for the development of ROM presents a solution for the problem in ROMs developed with eigenvectors, to make predictions into the future. The model performance was investigated by simulation of nitrate in the Karaj Aquifer, Iran. The dominant modes of spatiotemporal variation of nitrate during a five-year period was calculated by the model. The results revealed an excellent agreement between nitrate simulated by the ROM and the well-known Modular Transport 3D Multi Species (MT3DMS). The absolute error between the ROM and the MT3DMS was less than 0.5 mg/l in the most parts of the aquifer. Thus, results confirm that the use of ROM has advantages through a much simpler structure and shorter calculation times. Observed spatiotemporal variation of nitrate in the aquifer was well represented by the ROM simulations. The simplicity of the model makes it highly interesting also to other water resources problems.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Roohollah Noori, Mehrnaz Dodangeh, Ronny Berndtsson, Farhad Hooshyaripor, Jan Franklin Adamowski, Saman Javadi, and Akbar Baghvand

Interactive discussion

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Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Roohollah Noori, Mehrnaz Dodangeh, Ronny Berndtsson, Farhad Hooshyaripor, Jan Franklin Adamowski, Saman Javadi, and Akbar Baghvand
Roohollah Noori, Mehrnaz Dodangeh, Ronny Berndtsson, Farhad Hooshyaripor, Jan Franklin Adamowski, Saman Javadi, and Akbar Baghvand


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Latest update: 22 Oct 2024

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