29 May 2017
 | 29 May 2017
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Spatial Extent of Future Changes in the Hydrologic Cycle Components in Ganga Basin using Ranked CORDEX RCMs

Jatin Anand, Manjula Devak, Ashwini Kumar Gosain, Rakesh Khosa, and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya

Abstract. The negative impacts of climate change are expected to be felt over wide range of spatial scales, ranging from small basins to large watersheds, which can possibly be detrimental to the services that natural water systems provide to the society. The impact assessment of future climate change on hydrologic response is essential for the decision makers while carrying out management and various adaptation strategies in a changing climate. While, the availability of finer scale projections from regional climate models (RCM) has been a boon to study changing climate conditions. These climate models are subjected to large number of uncertainties, which demands a careful selection of an appropriate climate model, however. In an effort to account for these uncertainties and select suitable climate models, a multi-criteria ranking approach is deployed in this study. Ranking of CORDEX RCMs is done based on its ability to generate hydrologic components of the basin, i.e., runoff simulations using Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, by deploying Entropy and PROMETHEE-2 methods. The spatial extent of changes in the different components of hydrologic cycle is examined over the Ganga river basin, using the top three ranked RCMs, for a period from January 2021 to December 2100. It is observed that for monsoon months (June, July, August and September), future annual mean surface runoff will decrease substantially (−50 % to −10 %), while the flows for post-monsoon months (October, November and December) are projected to increase (10–20 %). While, extremes are seen to be increasing during the non-monsoon months, a substantial decrease in medium events is also highlighted. The increase in wet extremes is majorly supplemented by the increased snowmelt runoff during those months. Snowmelt is projected to increase during the months of November to March, with the month of December witnessing 3-4 times increase in the flow. Base flow and recharge are alarmingly decreasing over the basin. Major loss of recharge is expected to occur in central part of the basin. The present study offers a more reliable regional hydrologic impact assessment with quantifications of future dramatic changes in different hydrological sub-system and its mass-transfer, which will help in quantifying the changes in hydrological components in response to climate change changes in the major basin Ganga, and shall provide the water managers with substantive information, required to develop ameliorative strategies.

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Jatin Anand, Manjula Devak, Ashwini Kumar Gosain, Rakesh Khosa, and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Jatin Anand, Manjula Devak, Ashwini Kumar Gosain, Rakesh Khosa, and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya
Jatin Anand, Manjula Devak, Ashwini Kumar Gosain, Rakesh Khosa, and Chandrika Thulaseedharan Dhanya


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Short summary
Impact assessment of future climate change on hydrologic response is essential while carrying out management and adaptation strategies in a changing climate. We adopted a multi-criteria ranking approach to select few suitable climate models from the CORDEX community, to reduce the huge uncertainty in the future projections. We deployed a hydrologic model to simulate the hydrology of Ganga basin and quantified the future dramatic changes in different hydrological sub-system and its mass-transfer.