18 Jan 2016
 | 18 Jan 2016
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

The possibility of rainfall estimation using R(Z,ZDR,KDP,AH): A case study of heavy rainfall on 25 August 2014 in Korea

C.-H. You, M.-Y. Kang, and D.-I. Lee

Abstract. To improve the accuracy of polarimetric rainfall relations for heavy rainfall, an extreme rainfall case was analysed and some methods were examined. The observed differential reflectivity (ZDR) quality check was theoretically investigated using the relation between the standard deviation of differential reflectivity and cross correlation, and the light rain method for ZDR bias was also applied to the rainfall estimation. The best performance for this heavy rainfall case was obtained when the moving average of ZDR over a window size of 9 gates was applied to the rainfall estimation using horizontal reflectivity (ZH) and ZDR and to the calculation of ZH bias. The differential reflectivity calculated by disdrometer data may be an alternative to the vertical pointing scan for calculating ZDR bias. The accuracy of the combined rainfall relation, R(Z,ZDR,KDP,AH) was relatively insensitive to ZDR and ZH biases in both observations and simulations.

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C.-H. You, M.-Y. Kang, and D.-I. Lee
C.-H. You, M.-Y. Kang, and D.-I. Lee
C.-H. You, M.-Y. Kang, and D.-I. Lee


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Short summary
This paper is dealing with polarimetric rainfall estimation using combined polarimetric variables include specific attenuation for a heavy rainfall case in Korea. It also describes how we could improve differential reflectivity (ZDR) quality for operational use. We discussed the possibility of drop size distributions to correct ZDR and usage of R(Z,ZDR,KDP,AH) relation. The reason why we did the research is that we would like to get a representative relation without considering rainrate regime.