Articles | Volume 8, issue 1
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© Author(s) 2004. This work is licensed under
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Temporal variability in phosphorus transfers: classifying concentration–discharge event dynamics
P. Haygarth
E-mail for corresponding author:
Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North Wyke Research Station, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB, UK
E-mail for corresponding author:
B.L. Turner
Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA
E-mail for corresponding author:
E-mail for corresponding author:
Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North Wyke Research Station, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB, UK
E-mail for corresponding author:
A. Fraser
National Soil Resources Institute, North Wyke Research Station, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB, UK
E-mail for corresponding author:
E-mail for corresponding author:
S. Jarvis
E-mail for corresponding author:
Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North Wyke Research Station, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB, UK
E-mail for corresponding author:
T. Harrod
National Soil Resources Institute, North Wyke Research Station, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB, UK
E-mail for corresponding author:
E-mail for corresponding author:
D. Nash
Agriculture Victoria, RMB 2460, Hazeldean Road, Ellinbank, Victoria 3821, Australia
E-mail for corresponding author:
E-mail for corresponding author:
D. Halliwell
Agriculture Victoria, RMB 2460, Hazeldean Road, Ellinbank, Victoria 3821, Australia
E-mail for corresponding author:
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T. Page
Environmental Science Department, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK
E-mail for corresponding author:
E-mail for corresponding author:
K. Beven
Environmental Science Department, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK
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66 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Mitigating Diffuse Phosphorus Transfer from Agriculture According to Cost and Efficiency P. Haygarth et al. 10.2134/jeq2008.0102
- Dissolved phosphorus transport from soil to surface water in catchments with different land use D. Verheyen et al. 10.1007/s13280-014-0617-5
- Identifying Flow Pathways for Phosphorus Transport Using Observed Event Forensics and the CRAFT (Catchment Runoff Attenuation Flux Tool) R. Adams et al. 10.3390/w12041081
- Linking phosphorus sources to impacts in different types of water body A. Edwards & P. Withers 10.1111/j.1475-2743.2007.00110.x
- Scaling up the phosphorus signal from soil hillslopes to headwater catchments P. HAYGARTH et al. 10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02748.x
- High resolution concentration-discharge relationships in managed watersheds: A 30+ year analysis M. Diaz et al. 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2024.106192
- Source areas of phosphorus transfer in an agricultural catchment, south-eastern Norway M. Bechmann & J. Deelstra 10.1080/09064710500325871
- Rapid response of stream dissolved phosphorus concentrations to wildfire smoke N. Fernandez et al. 10.1038/s43247-024-01732-w
- Legacy phosphorus concentration–discharge relationships in surface runoff and tile drainage from Ohio crop fields W. Osterholz et al. 10.1002/jeq2.20070
- An evaluation of the hysteresis in chemical concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationships from drained, intensively managed grasslands in southwest England A. Eludoyin et al. 10.1080/02626667.2017.1313979
- The phosphorus transfer continuum: Linking source to impact with an interdisciplinary and multi-scaled approach P. Haygarth et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.02.001
- Sediment and phosphorus loss in runoff from an agroforestry catchment, NW Spain M. Rodríguez‐Blanco et al. 10.1002/ldr.942
- Understanding and managing de-icer contamination of airport surface waters: A synthesis and future perspectives A. Freeman et al. 10.1016/j.eti.2015.01.001
- Diffuse Phosphorus Models in the United States and Europe: Their Usages, Scales, and Uncertainties D. Radcliffe et al. 10.2134/jeq2008.0060
- The contribution of roadside soil to phosphorus loading in the eutrophic Lagos Lagoon, Nigeria A. Abayomi et al. 10.1039/c1em10266d
- Controls on Catchment‐Scale Patterns of Phosphorus in Soil, Streambed Sediment, and Stream Water M. van der Perk et al. 10.2134/jeq2006.0175
- The sensitivity of simulated flow and water quality response to spatial heterogeneity on a hillslope in the Tarrawarra catchment, Australia L. Neumann et al. 10.1002/hyp.7486
- Evaluation of nutrients and major ions in streams—implications of different timescale procedures T. Chaussê et al. 10.1007/s10661-015-5034-0
- A method of computing uncertain nitrogen and phosphorus loads in a small stream from an agricultural catchment using continuous monitoring data A. Kulasova et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.05.060
- Stream water chemistry and quality along an upland–lowland rural land-use continuum, south west England H. Jarvie et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2007.10.040
- Evaluation of Chemcatcher® passive samplers for pesticide monitoring using high-frequency catchment scale data L. Farrow et al. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.116292
- Phosphorus in Surface Runoff from Calcareous Arable Soils of the Semiarid Western United States B. Turner et al. 10.2134/jeq2004.1814
- Comparison of export dynamics of nutrients and animal-borne estrogens from a tile-drained Midwestern agroecosystem H. Gall et al. 10.1016/j.watres.2014.08.041
- Updating SWAT+ to Clarify Understanding of In‐Stream Phosphorus Retention and Remobilization: SWAT+P.R&R K. Wallington & X. Cai 10.1029/2022WR033283
- Spatial Variability of Soil Phosphorus in Relation to the Topographic Index and Critical Source Areas T. Page et al. 10.2134/jeq2004.0398
- Relative dominance of hydrologic versus biogeochemical factors on solute export across impact gradients S. Thompson et al. 10.1029/2010WR009605
- Impacts of cold region hydroclimatic variability on phosphorus exports: Insights from concentration-discharge relationship T. Jeannotte et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125312
- Seasonal and animal farm size influences on in-stream phosphorus transport in an agricultural watershed N. Huisman et al. 10.1007/s10705-017-9866-6
- Coupled Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Controls on Seasonal and Spatial Variations of River Water Quality during Baseflow in a Coastal Watershed of Southeast China J. Huang et al. 10.1371/journal.pone.0091528
- A palaeolimnological investigation into nutrient impact and recovery in an agricultural catchment B. O'Dwyer et al. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.01.034
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- Linking terrestrial phosphorus inputs to riverine export across the United States G. Metson et al. 10.1016/j.watres.2017.07.037
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- Analysis of intensively used catchments based on integrated modelling M. Bach & M. Ostrowski 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.07.001
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