Articles | Volume 7, issue 3
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Estimation of parameters in a distributed precipitation-runoff model for Norway
S. Beldring
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, P.O. Box 5091 Majorstua, 0301 Oslo, Norway
Email for corresponding author:
Email for corresponding author:
K. Engeland
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, P.O. Box 5091 Majorstua, 0301 Oslo, Norway
Email for corresponding author:
L. A. Roald
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, P.O. Box 5091 Majorstua, 0301 Oslo, Norway
Email for corresponding author:
N. R. Sælthun
Norwegian Institute for Water Research, P.O. Box 173 Kjelsås, 0411 Oslo, Norway
Email for corresponding author:
A. Voksø
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, P.O. Box 5091 Majorstua, 0301 Oslo, Norway
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114 citations as recorded by crossref.
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Latest update: 22 Feb 2025