Articles | Volume 6, issue 4
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© Author(s) 2002. This work is licensed under
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Influence of the Yesa reservoir on floods of the Aragón River, central Spanish Pyrenees
J. I. López-Moreno
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei, Apartado 202, 50080-Zaragoza, Spain
Email for corresponding author:
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei, Apartado 202, 50080-Zaragoza, Spain
Email for corresponding author:
S. Beguería
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei, Apartado 202, 50080-Zaragoza, Spain
Email for corresponding author:
J. M. García-Ruiz
Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Campus de Aula Dei, Apartado 202, 50080-Zaragoza, Spain
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41 citations as recorded by crossref.
- The contrasted evolution of high and low flows and precipitation indices in the Duero basin (Spain) E. Morán-Tejeda et al. 10.1080/02626667.2012.673722
- A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of flood management measures based on the concept of "retaining water in the landscape" in different European hydro-climatic regions S. Salazar et al. 10.5194/nhess-12-3287-2012
- Investigation of scaling properties in monthly streamflow and Standardized Streamflow Index (SSI) time series in the Ebro basin (Spain) L. Telesca et al. 10.1016/j.physa.2011.10.023
- Current awareness 10.1002/hyp.5126
- Nutrient flux and budget in the Ebro estuary S. Falco et al. 10.1016/j.ecss.2009.12.020
- Longitudinal development of chlorophyll and phytoplankton assemblages in a regulated large river (the Ebro River) S. Sabater et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.06.013
- Mediterranean water resources in a global change scenario J. García-Ruiz et al. 10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.01.006
- Estimating climate-change effects on a Mediterranean catchment under various irrigation conditions D. von Gunten et al. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.08.001
- Evaluating functions of reservoirs′ storage capacities and locations on daily peak attenuation for Ganjiang River Basin using Xinanjiang model J. Du et al. 10.1007/s11769-016-0838-6
- Comparison of different procedures to map reference evapotranspiration using geographical information systems and regression‐based techniques S. Vicente‐Serrano et al. 10.1002/joc.1460
- Current awareness 10.1002/hyp.5099
- Impactos recientes de los cambios ambientales en los recursos hídricos superficiales de la cuenca del Duero E. Tejeda 10.3989/Pirineos.2012.167006
- River regimes and recent hydrological changes in the Duero basin (Spain) E. Morán-Tejeda et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.04.034
- Trends in high flows in the central Spanish Pyrenees: response to climatic factors or to land-use change? J. LÓPEZ-MORENO et al. 10.1623/hysj.51.6.1039
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- Channel changes and floodplain management in the meandering middle Ebro River, Spain A. Ollero 10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.01.015
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- Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirs in a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain S. Vicente-Serrano et al. 10.1016/j.ejrh.2017.01.004
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- Human impacts to mountain streams E. Wohl 10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.020
- Reservoir Management in the Duero Basin (Spain): Impact on River Regimes and the Response to Environmental Change E. Morán-Tejeda et al. 10.1007/s11269-012-0004-6
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- Impact of climate evolution and land use changes on water yield in the ebro basin J. López-Moreno et al. 10.5194/hess-15-311-2011
- Influence of snow accumulation and snowmelt on streamflow in the central Spanish Pyrenees / Influence de l’accumulation et de la fonte de la neige sur les écoulements dans les Pyrénées centrales espagnoles J. López-Moreno & J. García-Ruiz 10.1623/hysj.49.5.787.55135
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Latest update: 22 Jan 2025