Articles | Volume 3, issue 4
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© Author(s) 1999. This work is licensed under
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A comparison of artificial neural networks used for river forecasting
C. W. Dawson
Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK
School of Environmental and Applied Science, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB, UK
email address for corresponding author:
School of Environmental and Applied Science, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB, UK
email address for corresponding author:
R. L. Wilby
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000, USA
School of Environmental and Applied Science, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB, UK
email address for corresponding author:
School of Environmental and Applied Science, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB, UK
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School of Environmental and Applied Science, University of Derby, Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GB, UK
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50 citations as recorded by crossref.
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