Articles | Volume 28, issue 18
Research article
20 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 20 Sep 2024

Using high-frequency solute synchronies to determine simple two-end-member mixing in catchments during storm events

Nicolai Brekenfeld, Solenn Cotel, Mikaël Faucheux, Paul Floury, Colin Fourtet, Jérôme Gaillardet, Sophie Guillon, Yannick Hamon, Hocine Henine, Patrice Petitjean, Anne-Catherine Pierson-Wickmann, Marie-Claire Pierret, and Ophélie Fovet

Data sets

High-frequency measurements of 7 major ions concentrations during discharge events in the Kervidy-Naizin and Strengbach catchments (2018-2022) N. Brekenfeld

Short summary
The proposed methodology consists of simultaneously analysing the concentration variation of solute pairs during a storm event by plotting the concentration variation of one solute against the variation of another solute. This can reveal whether two or more end-members contribute to streamflow during a storm event. Furthermore, the variation of the solute ratios during the events can indicate which catchment processes are dominant and which are negligible.