Articles | Volume 28, issue 17
Research article
06 Sep 2024
Research article |  | 06 Sep 2024

An investigation of anthropogenic influences on hydrologic connectivity using model stress tests

Amelie Herzog, Jost Hellwig, and Kerstin Stahl

Data sets

Water Level Dataset Dreisam Valley V1.0 A. Herzog et al.

Streamflow Dataset Dreisam Valley V1.0 A. Herzog and K. Stahl,

Short summary
Surface water–groundwater interaction can vary along a river. This study used a groundwater model that reproduced relative observed longitudinal and vertical connectivity patterns in the river network to assess the system's response to imposed stress tests. For the case study, imposed groundwater abstraction appears to influence connectivity relatively more than altered recharge, but a quantification of absolute exchange flows will require further model improvements.