Articles | Volume 27, issue 24
Research article
22 Dec 2023
Research article |  | 22 Dec 2023

On the optimal level of complexity for the representation of groundwater-dependent wetland systems in land surface models

Mennatullah T. Elrashidy, Andrew M. Ireson, and Saman Razavi

Data sets

WISKI Tools GWF Andrew Ireson

Model code and software

On the optimal level of complexity for the representation of groundwater-dependent wetland systems in land surface models Mennatullah T. Elrashidy, Andrew M. Ireson, and Saman Razavi

Short summary
Wetlands are important ecosystems that store carbon and play a vital role in the water cycle. However, hydrological computer models do not always represent wetlands and their interaction with groundwater accurately. We tested different possible ways to include groundwater–wetland interactions in these models. We found that the optimal method to include wetlands and groundwater in the models is reliant on the intended use of the models and the characteristics of the land and soil being studied.