Articles | Volume 27, issue 20
Research article
19 Oct 2023
Research article |  | 19 Oct 2023

Improving the quantification of climate change hazards by hydrological models: a simple ensemble approach for considering the uncertain effect of vegetation response to climate change on potential evapotranspiration

Thedini Asali Peiris and Petra Döll

Data sets

WaterGAP2.2d model derived Potential evapotranspiration and Renewable water resources variables with standard and modified PET calculation methods Thedini Asali Peiris and Petra Döll

Short summary
Hydrological models often overlook vegetation's response to CO2 and climate, impairing their ability to forecast impacts on evapotranspiration and water resources. To address this, we suggest involving two model variants: (1) the standard method and (2) a modified approach (proposed here) based on the Priestley–Taylor equation (PT-MA). While not universally applicable, a dual approach helps consider uncertainties related to vegetation responses to climate change, enhancing model representation.