Articles | Volume 27, issue 18
Technical note
28 Sep 2023
Technical note |  | 28 Sep 2023

Technical note: Novel analytical solution for groundwater response to atmospheric tides

Jose M. Bastias Espejo, Chris Turnadge, Russell S. Crosbie, Philipp Blum, and Gabriel C. Rau

Data sets

josebastiase/Mean-Stress: Mean-Stress_v1.0 Jose M. Bastias Espejo

Model code and software

josebastiase/Mean-Stress: Mean-Stress_v1.0 Jose M. Bastias Espejo

Short summary
Analytical models estimate subsurface properties from subsurface–tidal load interactions. However, they have limited accuracy in representing subsurface physics and parameter estimation. We derived a new analytical solution which models flow to wells due to atmospheric tides. We applied it to field data and compared our findings with subsurface knowledge. Our results enhance understanding of subsurface systems, providing valuable information on their behavior.