Articles | Volume 27, issue 1
Research article
 | Highlight paper
02 Jan 2023
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 02 Jan 2023

Daily ensemble river discharge reforecasts and real-time forecasts from the operational Global Flood Awareness System

Shaun Harrigan, Ervin Zsoter, Hannah Cloke, Peter Salamon, and Christel Prudhomme

Data sets

River discharge and related forecasted data from the Global Flood Awareness System, v2.1 E. Zsoter, S. Harrigan, C. Barnard, F. Wetterhall, P. Salamon, and C. Prudhomme

Reforecasts of river discharge and related data by the Global Flood Awareness System, v2.2 E. Zsoter, S. Harrigan, C. Barnard, M. Blick, I. Ferrario, F. Wetterhall, and C. Prudhomme

River discharge and related historical data from the Global Flood Awareness System, v2.1 S. Harrigan, E. Zsoter, C. Barnard, F. Wetterhall, P. Salamon, and C. Prudhomme

Executive editor
In agreement with the handling Editor, the study is highlighted in HESS
Short summary
Real-time river discharge forecasts and reforecasts from the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) have been made publicly available, together with an evaluation of forecast skill at the global scale. Results show that GloFAS is skillful in over 93 % of catchments in the short (1–3 d) and medium range (5–15 d) and skillful in over 80 % of catchments in the extended lead time (16–30 d). Skill is summarised in a new layer on the GloFAS Web Map Viewer to aid decision-making.