Articles | Volume 26, issue 5
Research article
08 Mar 2022
Research article |  | 08 Mar 2022

Rainfall–runoff relationships at event scale in western Mediterranean ephemeral streams

Roberto Serrano-Notivoli, Alberto Martínez-Salvador, Rafael García-Lorenzo, David Espín-Sánchez, and Carmelo Conesa-García

Data sets

Rainfall events in Algeciras and Upper Mula watersheds Roberto Serrano-Notivoli

Short summary
Ephemeral streams in the western Mediterranean area are driven by the duration, magnitude, and intensity of rainfall events (REs). A detailed statistical analysis showed that the average RE (1.2 d and 1.5 mm) is not enough to generate new flow, which is only guaranteed by events occurring in return periods from 2 to > 50 years. REs explain near to 75 % of new flow, meaning that terrain and lithological characteristics play a fundamental role.