Articles | Volume 24, issue 4
Research article
30 Apr 2020
Research article |  | 30 Apr 2020

Isotopic and chromatographic fingerprinting of the sources of dissolved organic carbon in a shallow coastal aquifer

Karina T. Meredith, Andy Baker, Martin S. Andersen, Denis M. O'Carroll, Helen Rutlidge, Liza K. McDonough, Phetdala Oudone, Eliza Bryan, and Nur Syahiza Zainuddin


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Latest update: 09 Oct 2024
Short summary
Dissolved organic carbon within groundwater and processes controlling it remain largely unknown. The average groundwater concentration at this coastal site was 5 times higher than the global median, doubling with depth, but with no change in chromatographic character. The lack of oxygen limited the rate of organic matter processing, leading to enhanced preservation. Changes in coastal hydrology could lead to the flux of unreacted organic carbon.