Articles | Volume 22, issue 2
Research article
 | Highlight paper
01 Mar 2018
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 01 Mar 2018

Imaging groundwater infiltration dynamics in the karst vadose zone with long-term ERT monitoring

Arnaud Watlet, Olivier Kaufmann, Antoine Triantafyllou, Amaël Poulain, Jonathan E. Chambers, Philip I. Meldrum, Paul B. Wilkinson, Vincent Hallet, Yves Quinif, Michel Van Ruymbeke, and Michel Van Camp


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Latest update: 10 Nov 2024
Short summary
Understanding water infiltration in karst regions is crucial as the aquifers they host provide drinkable water for a quarter of the world's population. We present a non-invasive tool to image hydrological processes in karst systems. At our field site, the injection of electrical current in the ground, repeated daily over a 3-year period, allowed imaging changes in the groundwater content. We show that specific geological layers control seasonal to rainfall-triggered water infiltration dynamics.