Articles | Volume 21, issue 7
Research article
20 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 20 Jul 2017

Coupling biophysical processes and water rights to simulate spatially distributed water use in an intensively managed hydrologic system

Bangshuai Han, Shawn G. Benner, John P. Bolte, Kellie B. Vache, and Alejandro N. Flores

Data sets

Data Associated with "Coupling Biophysical Processes and Water Rights to Simulate Spatially Distributed Water Use in an Intensively Managed Hydrologic System", Data set B. Han, S. G. Benner, J. P. Bolte, K. B. Vache, and A. N. Flores

Short summary
The western US relies heavily on irrigation water which is allocated following local water rights. We develop and test a novel model that explicitly integrates water rights into a conceptual hydrologic model to spatially allocate irrigation water. The model well captures the timing and magnitude of irrigation water allocation in our study area and is applicable to semi-arid regions with similar water right regulations. The results could inform future water policies and management decisions.