Articles | Volume 20, issue 4
Research article
05 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 05 Apr 2016

Impacts of climate change under CMIP5 RCP scenarios on the streamflow in the Dinder River and ecosystem habitats in Dinder National Park, Sudan

Amir K. Basheer, Haishen Lu, Abubaker Omer, Abubaker B. Ali, and Abdeldime M. S. Abdelgader


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Short summary
We assess the impact of future climate change on Dinder River streamflow (Sudan), and infer its relative possible effects on the Dinder National Park (DNP) ecosystem habitats. Four GCMs from CMIP5 and two statistical downscaling approaches combined with SWAT were used. Climate over the basin will become warmer and wetter and streamflow will likely increase; accordingly, the ecosystems in the DNP will be affected positively and promote the ecological restoration of the flora and fauna habitats.