Articles | Volume 19, issue 7
Research article
02 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 02 Jul 2015

Vulnerability of groundwater resources to interaction with river water in a boreal catchment

A. Rautio, A.-L. Kivimäki, K. Korkka-Niemi, M. Nygård, V.-P. Salonen, K. Lahti, and H. Vahtera


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Short summary
Based on low-altitude aerial infrared surveys, around 370 groundwater–surface water interaction sites were located. Longitudinal temperature patterns, stable isotopes and dissolved silica composition of the studied rivers differed. Interaction sites identified in the proximity of 12 municipal water plants during low-flow seasons should be considered as potential risk areas during flood periods and should be taken under consideration in river basin management under changing climatic situations.