Corrigendum to "Laser vision: lidar as a transformative tool to advance critical zone science" published in Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2881–2897, 2015
A. A. Harpold,J. A. Marshall,S. W. Lyon,T. B. Barnhart,B. A. Fisher,M. Donovan,K. M. Brubaker,C. J. Crosby,N. F. Glenn,C. L. Glennie,P. B. Kirchner,N. Lam,K. D. Mankoff,J. L. McCreight,N. P. Molotch,K. N. Musselman,J. Pelletier,T. Russo,H. Sangireddy,Y. Sjöberg,T. Swetnam,and N. West
A. A. Harpold
University of Nevada, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Reno, Nevada, USA
J. A. Marshall
University of Oregon, Department of Geological Sciences, Eugene, Oregon, USA
S. W. Lyon
Stockholm University, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm, Sweden
T. B. Barnhart
University of Colorado, Geography Department and Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA
B. A. Fisher
University of Minnesota, Land and Atmospheric Science, Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota,USA
M. Donovan
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA
K. M. Brubaker
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Environmental Studies, Geneva, New York, USA
C. J. Crosby
UNAVCO, Boulder, Colorado, USA
N. F. Glenn
Boise State University, Department of Geosciences, Boise, Idaho, USA
C. L. Glennie
University of Houston, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Houston, Texas, USA
P. B. Kirchner
University of California, Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering, Los Angeles, California, USA
N. Lam
Stockholm University, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm, Sweden
K. D. Mankoff
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
J. L. McCreight
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA
N. P. Molotch
University of Colorado, Geography Department and Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA
K. N. Musselman
University of Saskatchewan, Centre for Hydrology, Saskatchewan, Canada
J. Pelletier
University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences, Tucson, Arizona, USA
T. Russo
Pennsylvania State University, State College, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania, USA
H. Sangireddy
University of Texas, Department of Civil Engineering, Austin, Texas, USA
Y. Sjöberg
Stockholm University, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm, Sweden
T. Swetnam
University of Arizona, Department of Geosciences, Tucson, Arizona, USA
N. West
Pennsylvania State University, State College, Department of Geosciences, Pennsylvania, USA
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