Articles | Volume 19, issue 6
Research article
17 Jun 2015
Research article |  | 17 Jun 2015

Assessment of Halon-1301 as a groundwater age tracer

M. Beyer, R. van der Raaij, U. Morgenstern, and B. Jackson


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Short summary
We assess the potential of Halon-1301 as a new groundwater age tracer, which had not been assessed in detail. We determine Halon-1301 and infer age in 17 New Zealand groundwater samples and various modern waters. Halon-1301 reliably inferred age in 71% of the sites within 1 SD of the ages inferred from tritium and SF6. The remaining (anoxic) waters show reduced concentrations of Halon-1301 along with even further reduced concentrations of CFCs. The reason(s) for this need to be further assessed.