Articles | Volume 19, issue 3
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© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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Assessing downstream flood impacts due to a potential GLOF from Imja Tsho in Nepal
M. A. Somos-Valenzuela
Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
D. C. McKinney
Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
A. C. Byers
The Mountain Institute, Washington DC, USA
D. R. Rounce
Center for Research in Water Resources, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA
C. Portocarrero
Independent Consultant, Huaraz, Peru
D. Lamsal
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Japan
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43 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Glacier structure influence on Himalayan ice‐front morphology M. Peacey et al. 10.1002/esp.5576
- Heterogeneous water storage and thermal regime of supraglacial ponds on debris‐covered glaciers C. Watson et al. 10.1002/esp.4236
- Retrospective analysis and hazard assessment of Gega glacial lake in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis K. Hu et al. 10.1016/j.nhres.2022.11.003
- A new remote hazard and risk assessment framework for glacial lakes in the Nepal Himalaya D. Rounce et al. 10.5194/hess-20-3455-2016
- Glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) study of Dhauliganga basin in the Himalaya L. Jha et al. 10.1080/23311843.2016.1249107
- Modelling glacial lake outburst flood impacts in the Bolivian Andes I. Kougkoulos et al. 10.1007/s11069-018-3486-6
- Future Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) hazard of the South Lhonak Lake, Sikkim Himalaya A. Sattar et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107783
- From basins to rivers: Understanding the revitalization and significance of top-down drainage integration mechanisms in drainage basin evolution Z. Hilgendorf et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.107020
- Modeling of Extreme Hydrological Events in the Baksan River Basin, the Central Caucasus, Russia E. Kornilova et al. 10.3390/hydrology8010024
- Transboundary hazard and downstream impact of glacial lakes in Hindu-Kush Karakoram Himalayas S. Dubey et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169758
- A regional-scale assessment of Himalayan glacial lake changes using satellite observations from 1990 to 2015 Y. Nie et al. 10.1016/j.rse.2016.11.008
- Integrated hazard assessment of Cirenmaco glacial lake in Zhangzangbo valley, Central Himalayas W. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.08.013
- Identification of Hazard and Risk for Glacial Lakes in the Nepal Himalaya Using Satellite Imagery from 2000–2015 D. Rounce et al. 10.3390/rs9070654
- Cryospheric hazards and risk perceptions in the Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park and Buffer Zone, Nepal S. Sherpa et al. 10.1007/s11069-018-3560-0
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- An assessment of conditions before and after the 1998 Tam Pokhari outburst in the Nepal Himalaya and an evaluation of the future outburst hazard D. Lamsal et al. 10.1002/hyp.10636
- Seismic signatures and site characterization of an intermittent stream in dry and flood conditions: an implication for soil losses and landslide triggering Y. Hussain et al. 10.1007/s12665-023-10960-w
- Assessing national exposure to and impact of glacial lake outburst floods considering uncertainty under data sparsity H. Chen et al. 10.5194/hess-29-733-2025
- Modeling a glacial lake outburst flood process chain: the case of Lake Palcacocha and Huaraz, Peru M. Somos-Valenzuela et al. 10.5194/hess-20-2519-2016
- Recession of Gya Glacier and the 2014 glacial lake outburst flood in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, India U. Majeed et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144008
- Glacial lakes outburst susceptibility and risk in the Eastern Himalayas using analytical hierarchy process and backpropagation neural network models S. Mondal et al. 10.1080/19475705.2024.2449134
- An institutional analysis of glacial floods and disaster risk management in the Nepal Himalaya I. Thompson et al. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101567
- Impact of climate change on future flood susceptibility projections under shared socioeconomic pathway scenarios in South Asia using artificial intelligence algorithms S. Janizadeh et al. 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121764
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- Mapping and monitoring of glacier lake outburst floods using geospatial modelling approach for Darkut valley, Pakistan M. Amin et al. 10.1002/met.1877
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- Performance validation of High Mountain Asia 8-meter Digital Elevation Model using ICESat-2 geolocated photons G. Dandabathula et al. 10.1007/s11629-024-8820-8
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- Contrasted surface mass balances of debris-free glaciers observed between the southern and the inner parts of the Everest region (2007–15) S. SHERPA et al. 10.1017/jog.2017.30
- Himalayan hazard cascades – modern and medieval outburst floods in Pokhara, Nepal M. Fischer et al. 10.1002/esp.5539
- Adaptation to mountain cryosphere change: issues and challenges G. Rasul et al. 10.1080/17565529.2019.1617099
39 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Glacier structure influence on Himalayan ice‐front morphology M. Peacey et al. 10.1002/esp.5576
- Heterogeneous water storage and thermal regime of supraglacial ponds on debris‐covered glaciers C. Watson et al. 10.1002/esp.4236
- Retrospective analysis and hazard assessment of Gega glacial lake in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis K. Hu et al. 10.1016/j.nhres.2022.11.003
- A new remote hazard and risk assessment framework for glacial lakes in the Nepal Himalaya D. Rounce et al. 10.5194/hess-20-3455-2016
- Glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) study of Dhauliganga basin in the Himalaya L. Jha et al. 10.1080/23311843.2016.1249107
- Modelling glacial lake outburst flood impacts in the Bolivian Andes I. Kougkoulos et al. 10.1007/s11069-018-3486-6
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- Integrated hazard assessment of Cirenmaco glacial lake in Zhangzangbo valley, Central Himalayas W. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.08.013
- Identification of Hazard and Risk for Glacial Lakes in the Nepal Himalaya Using Satellite Imagery from 2000–2015 D. Rounce et al. 10.3390/rs9070654
- Cryospheric hazards and risk perceptions in the Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park and Buffer Zone, Nepal S. Sherpa et al. 10.1007/s11069-018-3560-0
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- Evaluation of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Susceptibility Using Multi-Criteria Assessment Framework in Mahalangur Himalaya N. Khadka et al. 10.3389/feart.2020.601288
- Performance validation of High Mountain Asia 8-meter Digital Elevation Model using ICESat-2 geolocated photons G. Dandabathula et al. 10.1007/s11629-024-8820-8
- Modeling the glacial lake outburst flood process chain in the Nepal Himalaya: reassessing Imja Tsho's hazard J. Lala et al. 10.5194/hess-22-3721-2018
- A conceptual model for glacial lake bathymetric distribution T. Zhang et al. 10.5194/tc-17-5137-2023
- Modeling lake outburst and downstream hazard assessment of the Lower Barun Glacial Lake, Nepal Himalaya A. Sattar et al. 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126208
- New hybrid method for vulnerability assessment in floodplain areas exposed to dam break M. Nekooie & S. Gholizadeh 10.1002/eng2.12664
- Assessment of Proglacial Lakes in Sikkim Himalaya, India for Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) Risk Analysis using HEC-RAS and Geospatial Techniques P. Hazra & A. Krishna 10.1007/s12594-022-1986-1
- Decision-Making Methodology for Risk Management Applied to Imja Lake in Nepal A. Cuellar & D. McKinney 10.3390/w9080591
- Controls of outbursts of moraine-dammed lakes in the greater Himalayan region M. Fischer et al. 10.5194/tc-15-4145-2021
4 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Increasing risks related to landslides from degrading permafrost into new lakes in de-glaciating mountain ranges W. Haeberli et al. 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.02.009
- Contrasted surface mass balances of debris-free glaciers observed between the southern and the inner parts of the Everest region (2007–15) S. SHERPA et al. 10.1017/jog.2017.30
- Himalayan hazard cascades – modern and medieval outburst floods in Pokhara, Nepal M. Fischer et al. 10.1002/esp.5539
- Adaptation to mountain cryosphere change: issues and challenges G. Rasul et al. 10.1080/17565529.2019.1617099
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Latest update: 09 Mar 2025
Short summary
The potential flooding impacts from Imja glacial lake in Nepal were studied using a two-dimensional debris-flow model to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed measures to reduce possible flooding impacts to downstream communities by lowering the lake level. The results indicate that only a minor benefits is achieved with modest (~3m) lowering and lowering of 20m almost eliminates all flood impact at Dingboche.
The potential flooding impacts from Imja glacial lake in Nepal were studied using a...