Articles | Volume 13, issue 11
03 Nov 2009
 | 03 Nov 2009

Thermal remote sensing from Airborne Hyperspectral Scanner data in the framework of the SPARC and SEN2FLEX projects: an overview

J. A. Sobrino, J. C. Jiménez-Muñoz, P. J. Zarco-Tejada, G. Sepulcre-Cantó, E. de Miguel, G. Sòria, M. Romaguera, Y. Julien, J. Cuenca, V. Hidalgo, B. Franch, C. Mattar, L. Morales, A. Gillespie, D. Sabol, L. Balick, Z. Su, L. Jia, A. Gieske, W. Timmermans, A. Olioso, F. Nerry, L. Guanter, J. Moreno, and Q. Shen


Interactive discussion

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