21 Jan 2025
 | 21 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal HESS.

Temporal and spatial variability of ice cover occurrence on Carpathian rivers: A regional perspective

Maksymilian Fukś and Łukasz Wiejaczka

Abstract. This article presents an analysis of the temporal and spatial variability of ice cover (IC) occurrence from 1950 to 2020 in the Polish part of the Carpathians, with a focus on climatic conditions and the impact of dam reservoir operations. Data on border ice (BI), total ice cover (TIC), and air and water temperature data were collected and analyzed using complementary statistical methods, such as Sen's slope, linear least squares regression, the Mann–Kendall test, Student's t-test, the Pettitt test, and the Mann–Whitney U test. Additionally, trends and tendencies across multiple time windows were analyzed through Moving Average and Running Trend Analysis. The study found a decrease in the frequency of IC (the sum of the number of days with BI and TIC) and a transformation in the IC structure characterized by an increase in the number of days with BI and a significant decrease in the number of days with TIC. The results suggest that the observed changes in the ice regime of Carpathian rivers are primarily driven by warming winter air temperatures and the effects are compounded by reservoir operations, which intensify the climatic changes and significantly reduce IC occurrence downstream of their locations.

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Maksymilian Fukś and Łukasz Wiejaczka

Status: open (until 13 Mar 2025)

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Maksymilian Fukś and Łukasz Wiejaczka
Maksymilian Fukś and Łukasz Wiejaczka


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Short summary
The article presents a temporal and spatial analysis of ice cover occurrence on rivers in the Carpathian Mountains (Central Europe) in a regional perspective. The study reveals a decrease in the frequency of ice cover formation and a shift in its structure, characterized by an increased frequency of border ice and a reduced occurrence of total ice cover. These changes in the ice regime of rivers are mainly due to climatic factors, overlaid by the operation of dam reservoirs.