14 Oct 2024
 | 14 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal HESS.

Technical note: Finite element formulations to map discrete fracture elements in three-dimensional groundwater models

Rob de Rooij

Abstract. Typically, in finite element groundwater models, fractures are represented by two-dimensional triangular or quadrilateral elements. When embedded in a three-dimensional space, the Jacobian matrix governing the transformation from the global three-dimensional space to the local two-dimensional space is rectangular and thus not invertible. There exist different approaches to obtain a unique mapping from local to global space even though the Jacobian matrix is not invertible. These approaches are discussed in this study. It is illustrated that all approaches yield the same result and may be applied to curved elements. The mapping of anisotropic hydraulic conductivity tensors for possibly curved fracture elements is also discussed.

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Rob de Rooij

Status: open (until 09 Dec 2024)

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Rob de Rooij
Rob de Rooij


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Short summary
Coordinate transformations are often used in the finite element method. Here, three existing approaches are discussed that can be applied to the same mapping problem. From a mathematical viewpoint, the approaches are quite different. It is shown that all three approaches provide the same result. Interestingly, the more mathematically challenging approaches provide an expression that is the most practical to implement into a finite element code.