03 Sep 2024
 | 03 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal HESS.

Future changes in water availability: Insights from a long-term monitoring of soil moisture under two tree species

Nikol Zelíková, Jitka Toušková, Jiří Kocum, Lukáš Vlček, Miroslav Tesař, Martin Bouda, and Václav Šípek

Abstract. Vegetation interacts with both soil moisture and atmospheric conditions, contributing to water flow partitioning at the land surface. Therefore, both climate and land cover changes impact water resource availability. This study aimed to determine the differential effects of climate change on the soil water regime of two common Central European forest types: Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands. A unique dataset, including 22 years (2000–2021) of measured soil water potentials, was used with a bucket-type soil water balance model to investigate differences in evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge both between the forest types and across years. While long-term column-averaged pressure head indicated drier soil at the spruce site overall, this was driven by the wettest years in the dataset. Seasonal and interannual variability of meteorological conditions drove complex but robust differences in flow partitioning between the forest types. Higher snow interception by spruce (27 mm season-1) resulted in drier soil below the spruce canopy in the cold season. Higher transpiration by beech (70 mm season-1) led to increasingly drier soils over the warm seasons. Low summer precipitation inputs exacerbated soil drying under beech as compared to spruce. Estimated summer recharge was lower under beech (25 mm season-1) due to its lower transpiration. The difference was more pronounced (over 40 mm season-1) during wetter summers. These suggest that expected trends in regional climate and forest species composition may interact to produce a disproportionate shift of recharge from the summer to the winter season.

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Nikol Zelíková, Jitka Toušková, Jiří Kocum, Lukáš Vlček, Miroslav Tesař, Martin Bouda, and Václav Šípek

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Nikol Zelíková, Jitka Toušková, Jiří Kocum, Lukáš Vlček, Miroslav Tesař, Martin Bouda, and Václav Šípek
Nikol Zelíková, Jitka Toušková, Jiří Kocum, Lukáš Vlček, Miroslav Tesař, Martin Bouda, and Václav Šípek


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Short summary
Climate change in Central Europe results in the gradual replacement of spruce trees with beech. To model its potential impact, we used 22-year data of soil moisture under both tree species. The drier the summer season, the greater the difference between the two: the main reason was the higher transpiration of beech canopy compared to spruce. We conclude that as a result, changes in the seasonal water availability can be expected.