26 Jul 2024
 | 26 Jul 2024
Status: a revised version of this preprint is currently under review for the journal HESS.

The Value of Hydroclimatic Teleconnections for Snow-based Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting

Atabek Umirbekov, Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Iulii Didovets, Heiko Apel, Abror Gafurov, and Daniel Müller

Abstract. Due to the long memory of snow processes, statistical seasonal streamflow predictions in snow-dominated catchments typically rely on snowpack estimates. Using mountainous catchments in Central Asia as a case study, we demonstrate how seasonal hydrological forecasts benefit from incorporating large-scale climate oscillations (COs). First, we examine the teleconnections between the major COs and peak precipitation season in eight catchments across the Pamir and Tian-Shan mountains from February to June. We then employ a machine learning framework that incorporates snow water equivalent (SWE) and dominant COs indices as predictors for mean discharge from April to September. Our workflow leverages an ensemble technique that uses multiple SWE estimates from near-time global data sources and diverse types of explainable machine-learning models. We find that the winter states of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation enhance SWE-based forecasts of seasonal discharge in the study catchments. We identify three instances in which the inclusion of COs as additional predictors could be instrumental for snowpack-based seasonal streamflow forecasting: 1) when forecasts are issued at extended lead times and accumulated SWE is not yet representative of seasonal terrestrial water storage; 2) when climate variability during the forecasted season plays a larger role in shaping seasonal discharge; and 3) SWE estimates for a catchment are subject to larger uncertainty. Our approach provides a novel way to reduce uncertainties in seasonal discharge predictions in data-scarce snowmelt-dominated catchments.

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Atabek Umirbekov, Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Iulii Didovets, Heiko Apel, Abror Gafurov, and Daniel Müller

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on hess-2024-174', Anonymous Referee #1, 16 Aug 2024
    • AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Atabek Umirbekov, 18 Oct 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on hess-2024-174', Anonymous Referee #2, 02 Sep 2024
    • AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Atabek Umirbekov, 18 Oct 2024
Atabek Umirbekov, Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Iulii Didovets, Heiko Apel, Abror Gafurov, and Daniel Müller

Data sets

R script and data for the manuscript "The Value of Hydroclimatic Teleconnections for Snow-based Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting" Atabek Umirbekov, Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Iulii Didovets, Heiko Apel, Abror Gafurov, and Daniel Müller

Model code and software

R script and data for the manuscript "The Value of Hydroclimatic Teleconnections for Snow-based Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting" Atabek Umirbekov, Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Iulii Didovets, Heiko Apel, Abror Gafurov, and Daniel Müller

Atabek Umirbekov, Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Iulii Didovets, Heiko Apel, Abror Gafurov, and Daniel Müller


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Latest update: 28 Mar 2025
Short summary
In snowmelt-dominated catchments, predicting river streamflow typically relies on accumulated snowpack. Our study shows that including large-scale climate patterns like El Niño can improve these predictions. We analyzed climate oscillations, seasonal rainfall, and streamflow, then used these insights and snowpack data in a machine learning model to forecast river streamflow. This method yielded more accurate predictions, useful for long-term forecasting or when snowpack estimates are uncertain.