12 Mar 2020
 | 12 Mar 2020
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Water stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) in the Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico

Eduardo Cejudo, Gilberto Acosta-Gonzalez, Rosa Maria Leal-Bautista, and Hector Estrada-Medina

Abstract. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of water is a very important tool to estimate water balance, groundwater recharge, and evaporation. Water isotopes have been used to increase our understanding of the distribution and amounts of renewable and non-renewable groundwater. Isotopic data from precipitation and groundwater is available in much of Mexico but there is little information from the Peninsula of Yucatan, an area heavily relying in groundwater in which current estimates of groundwater availability are uncertain. In this paper, we compiled published and unpublished δ2H and δ18O data in meteoric (waters derived from precipitation), ground- and pore-waters, to obtain a regional meteoric water line (RMWL) expressed by the equation δ2H = 8.1846 δ18O + 10.289. The data suggest that precipitation originates in convective systems, low-pressure events, moisture from frontal events, and from re-condensed moisture. The evaporation lines from groundwater suggest mixing of water with different isotopic composition, but also provide clues to recent meteoric water rapid recharge, likely from rain events of great intensity. We present a groundwater isoscape of the Peninsula of Yucatan and finally address the lack of conciliation between hydrogeology and groundwater management.

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Eduardo Cejudo, Gilberto Acosta-Gonzalez, Rosa Maria Leal-Bautista, and Hector Estrada-Medina
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Eduardo Cejudo, Gilberto Acosta-Gonzalez, Rosa Maria Leal-Bautista, and Hector Estrada-Medina

Data sets

Water stable isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) in the Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico E. Cejudo, G. Acosta-González, R. M. Leal-Bautista, and H. Estrada-Medina

Eduardo Cejudo, Gilberto Acosta-Gonzalez, Rosa Maria Leal-Bautista, and Hector Estrada-Medina


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Short summary
The Peninsula of Yucatan in Mexico relies completely on groundwater. We can use the isotopic data from the water for estimating groundwater recharge for better water management, but we have not get there. We collected all the available data from this region for identifying the information need to be obtained. We now know that the north of the peninsula has more information, but other areas need to be studied before we can make the calculations to help determine water availability.