25 Oct 2019
 | 25 Oct 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Analysis of oxygen isotopes of inorganic phosphate  (δ18Op) in freshwater: A detailed method description

Catharina Simone Nisbeth, Federica Tamburini, Jacob Kidmose, Søren Jessen, and David William O'Connell

Abstract. The ability to identify the origin of phosphorus is essential to effectively mitigate eutrophication of freshwater ecosystems. The oxygen isotope composition of orthophosphate (δ18Op) has been suggested to have a significant prospective as a tracer for P entering freshwater ecosystems. The δ18Op tracing method is, however, still in its preliminary stages and has proven challenging to implement for new practitioners. In order to achieve progress in developing the application of δ18Op signatures as a tracing tool, there is a need to eliminate the methodological challenges involved in accurately determining δ18Op. This technical note describes the various steps needed to concentrate and isolate orthophosphate in freshwater samples into an adequately pure analyte (Ag3PO4), without isotopic alteration during processing. The protocol compiles the disperse experiences from previous studies, combined with our own experience.

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Catharina Simone Nisbeth, Federica Tamburini, Jacob Kidmose, Søren Jessen, and David William O'Connell

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Interactive discussion

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Catharina Simone Nisbeth, Federica Tamburini, Jacob Kidmose, Søren Jessen, and David William O'Connell
Catharina Simone Nisbeth, Federica Tamburini, Jacob Kidmose, Søren Jessen, and David William O'Connell


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Short summary
Phosphorus contamination frequently causes eutrophication of freshwater lakes. However it is often difficult to establish the origin of the contaminating phosphorus. This study aims to contribute to the development and improvement of a method for tracing phosphorus in the freshwater environment, by using the oxygen-18 isotope of orthophosphate (δ18Op). The use of a coherent and common method across research groups may enable phosphorus tracing and better management of freshwater ecosystems.