29 Apr 2019
 | 29 Apr 2019
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

The quality of rainwater collected from roofs in the aspect of the possibility of their economic use

Monika M. Zdeb, Justyna Zamorska, Dorota Papciak, and Daniel Słyś

Abstract. The large variability in rainwater quality both in time and location as well as the relatively small number of tests make the preliminary assessment of economic exploitation of these waters difficult. Determining the relation between the conditions and location of rainwater collection and rainwater quality would help to indicate the range of options for rainwater use as well as parameters that require improvement.

The aim of the presented article is to establish chosen physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of rainwater and, based on the results obtained, to determine the possibilities for a safe use of these waters in households. The research had been carried out for two years. Samples of chosen rainfalls were collected from spring to autumn from the following roofing materials: concrete roof tiles, ceramic roof tiles, zinc coated metal sheets and epoxy coated. The physical, chemical and microbiological quality assessment has been conducted basing on the following parameters: reaction, turbidity, electrical conductivity, concentration of biogenic compounds, concentration of chosen elements, number of Escherichia coli as well as number faecal streptococci.

A significant bacterial contamination, a decreased pH and an increased turbidity of rainwaters were identified, depending on the parameters of the roofing washed by rainfalls and the intensity and frequency of precipitation.

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Monika M. Zdeb, Justyna Zamorska, Dorota Papciak, and Daniel Słyś
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Monika M. Zdeb, Justyna Zamorska, Dorota Papciak, and Daniel Słyś
Monika M. Zdeb, Justyna Zamorska, Dorota Papciak, and Daniel Słyś


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Short summary
The aim of the presented article is to establish chosen physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of rainwater and, based on the results obtained, to determine the possibilities for a safe use of these waters in households. Samples were collected from spring to autumn from various roof surfaces. The analysed rainwater types can be used as an alternative source of drinking water and for hygienic purposes in crisis conditions, only after having undergone a disinfection.