09 Nov 2018
 | 09 Nov 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS but the revision was not accepted.

When does vapor pressure deficit drive or reduce evapotranspiration?

Adam Massmann, Pierre Gentine, and Changjie Lin

Abstract. Increasing vapor pressure deficit (VPD) increases atmospheric demand for water, and vapor pressure deficit is expected to rise with increasing greenhouse gases. While increased evapotranspiration (ET) in response to increased atmospheric demand seems intuitive, plants are capable of reducing ET in response to increased VPD by closing their stomata, in an effort to conserve water. Here we examine which effect dominates response to increasing VPD: atmospheric demand and increases in ET, or plant physiological response (stomata closure) and decreases in ET. We use Penman-Monteith, combined with semi-empirical optimal stomatal regulation theory and underlying water use efficiency, to develop a theoretical framework for understanding how ET responds to increases in VPD.

The theory suggests that for most environmental conditions and plant types, plant physiological response dominates and ET decreases with increasing VPD. Plants that are evolved or bred to prioritize primary production over water conservation (e.g. crops) exhibit a higher likelihood of atmospheric demand-driven response (ET increasing). However for forest, grass, savannah, and shrub plant types, ET more frequently decreases than increases with rising VPD. This work serves as an example of the utility of our simplified framework for disentangling land-atmosphere feedbacks, including the characterization of ET response in an atmospherically drier, enriched CO2 world.

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Adam Massmann, Pierre Gentine, and Changjie Lin
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Adam Massmann, Pierre Gentine, and Changjie Lin
Adam Massmann, Pierre Gentine, and Changjie Lin


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Latest update: 22 Oct 2024
Short summary
Plants can sense increasing dryness in the air and close up the pores on their leaves, preventing water loss. However, drier air also naturally demands more water from the land surface. Here we develop a simplified theory for when land surface water loss increases (atmospheric demand dominates) or decreases (plant response dominates) in response to increased dryness in the air. This theory provides intuition for how ecosystems regulate water in response to changes in atmospheric dryness.