13 Jul 2018
 | 13 Jul 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS but the revision was not accepted.

Assessing the cover crop effect on soil hydraulic properties by inverse modelling in a 10-year field trial

José Luis Gabriel, Miguel Quemada, Diana Martín-Lammerding, and Marnik Vanclooster

Abstract. Cover cropping in agriculture is expected to enhance many agricultural and ecosystems functions and services. Yet, few studies are available allowing to evaluate the impact of cover cropping on the long term change of soil hydrologic functions. We assessed the long term change of the soil hydraulic properties due to cover cropping by means of a 10-year field experiment. We monitored continuously soil water content in non cover cropped and cover cropped fields by means of capacitance probes. We subsequently determined the hydraulic properties by inverting the soil hydrological model WAVE, using the time series of the 10 year monitoring data in the object function. We observed two main impacts, each having their own time dynamics. First, we observed an initial compaction as a result of the minimum tillage. This initial negative effect was followed by a more positive cover crop effect. The positive cover crop effect consisted in an increase of the soil micro- and macro-porosity, improving the structure. This resulted in a larger soil water retention capacity. This latter improvement was mainly observed below 20 cm, and mostly in the soil layer between 40 and 80 cm depth. This study shows that the expected cover crop competition for water with the main crop can be compensated by an improvement of the water retention in the intermediate layers of the soil profile. This may enhance the hydrologic functions of agricultural soils in arid and semiarid regions which often are constrained by water stress.

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José Luis Gabriel, Miguel Quemada, Diana Martín-Lammerding, and Marnik Vanclooster
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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José Luis Gabriel, Miguel Quemada, Diana Martín-Lammerding, and Marnik Vanclooster
José Luis Gabriel, Miguel Quemada, Diana Martín-Lammerding, and Marnik Vanclooster


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Short summary
Cover cropping enhance many agricultural services, but few studies are available on the long term effect on hydraulic properties. Soil water content was monitored daily in a 10-year field experiment and hydraulic properties were determined based on inverse calibration. Cover crop increased of the soil micro- and macro-porosity. Then, the expected cover crop competition for water can be compensated by an improvement of the water retention in the intermediate layers of the soil profile.