31 Jul 2017
 | 31 Jul 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS but the revision was not accepted.

How runoff components affect the export of DOC and nitrate: a long-term and high-frequency analysis

Michael P. Schwab, Julian Klaus, Laurent Pfister, and Markus Weiler

Abstract. We monitored dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrate concentrations and fluxes in situ with a UV-Vis spectrometer for two years at a high temporal resolution of 15 minutes in the forested Weierbach headwater catchment. The catchment exhibits a characteristic double peak runoff response to incident rainfall during periods with wet initial conditions. When initial conditions are dry, only the first discharge peak occurs. During our observations, both DOC and nitrate concentrations increased during the first discharge peak, while only nitrate concentrations were elevated during the second discharge peak. Relying on additional biweekly end-member data of precipitation, throughfall, soil water and groundwater, we linked the first peak to near surface flowpaths and the second peak to shallow groundwater reactions and subsurface flowpaths. The mass export of DOC and nitrate is largely controlled by the discharge yield. Nevertheless, this relationship is altered by changing flowpaths during different wetness conditions in the catchment. Due to the absence of second discharge peaks during dry conditions, the DOC export is more relevant and the nitrate export is less relevant during dry catchment states. The study highlights the benefits of in-situ, long-term, and high-frequency monitoring for comparing DOC and nitrate export with runoff components that are changing rapidly during events as well as gradually between seasons.

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Michael P. Schwab, Julian Klaus, Laurent Pfister, and Markus Weiler
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Michael P. Schwab, Julian Klaus, Laurent Pfister, and Markus Weiler
Michael P. Schwab, Julian Klaus, Laurent Pfister, and Markus Weiler


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